Adebanke Adesuyi


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What People Are Saying:

Patrick Adesuyi
Momentum BMW, TX

"Prior to working with Coach Adebanke, I was overweight. My clothes were feeling tight everywhere especially my mid-section! In addition, I have been experiencing pain in my legs, hands, and other things I thought were part of getting old. I resulted to just get bigger clothes each time I weigh more. I was also finding it hard to exercise after working six days a week. When I finally get together with Coach Adebanke, I realized that my problem wasn’t weight gain alone. She shows me the root cause of those problems. In the second coaching session, my mindset was transformed. She helped me see things in my food that were slowly eating away my health. In just 4 weeks, I lost 10 pounds! My clothes fit better and loser while I am feeling lighter and better."

Matthew A.
Marketing Analyst, TX

"I have been working out for a few years; however, I wasn’t feeling or looking my best. I wanted to properly slim down without losing significant muscle, but I wasn’t sure how to make that happen. I wanted to be in a caloric deficit, but I didn’t want to eliminate certain food groups or completely change the way I eat.

Banke and I came up with a plan that involved counting macronutrients and following a proper meal plan to achieve my goal of being fit. With this plan, I was able to reduce my body fat percentage from 20% to 8% in 2.5 months. Now, I’m able to maintain my figure without having to take any drastic measures."